What's shady about this is they have no intention of treating PS platform holders the same as Xbox owners. They walk like a duck talk like a duck it's a duck. They truth is in actions not feelings but the turth is the feelings and their actions are one in the same and represent their entire company outlook towards non MS platforms. They love MS and it's been written more then enough times to be at this point written in stone. You think they ever thought about getting it running on ps4 first you know the one with the commanding lead in the console race? I doubt it. Saying that this is all of the sudden different and has different reason on top of assuming that the only reason is just good intentions is wrong.

Thye have a past where they have always given MS the better stuff compared to PS they have for 8yrs now on like 4 total games. You are giving them quite the bit of trust from a company who is just being consistent. BlackTar187 2330d ago (Edited 2330d ago )